ê-oshihâkaniwit môso-wayân - Tanning moose-hideSophie GunnerSophie Gunner describes the many long steps in the process of tanning moose-hide. She also points out the different steps taken by men and women.
ê-oshihâkaniwit wâposh'-wayân - Making rabbit-skin blanketsSophie GunnerSophie Gunner describes the process of making rabbit-skin blankets and the challenge in making large ones. She also talks about other clothes made of rabbit-skin.
ê-oshihtâniwahk ashkimaniyâpiy - Making babiche for snow-shoesSophie GunnerSophie Gunner recalls how she eventually took an interest in netting snow shoes and how her mother taught her all she knew.
ahtikamêk owâhkona ê-kîsisomihci - A favourite dish from whitefish roeSophie Gunner |
wîsahkwêcâhk nêsta mâka pilêsiwak, nêsta wêhci-omikîwicik mistikwak - Weesahkwechahk and the birds, and why the trees have scabsSophie GunnerWeesakechahk enticed all the birds into a trap by tempting them with his singing and building them a lodge in which to listen to him. Only the loon escaped the line but Weesakechahk chased him and flattened his back with a kick until he was dead too. Then he decided to cook them all in the hot sand, and before he fell asleep, he instructed his rear end to make a sound if anyone came. The next morning, however, all the birds had been taken, only the feet remained. In his anger, Weesakechahk put a rock in the fire until it was white-hot and then sat on it. As he walked around after though, the scabs on his rear got itchy and he peeled them off and plastered them on the trees as he walked by them. That is why trees have scabs, they say.
cahkâpêsh nêsta mâka mistâpêskwêwak - Chahkabesh and the giant womenSophie GunnerChahkabesh makes giant girls laugh by sticking out his genitals until their mother spots him and puts him in a boiling pot of beaver. He eats the beaver and escapes.
askiy kâ-âpacihtâniwahk ê-tahkopitâwasonâniwahk - The preparation of moss for babies' diapersSophie GunnerSophie Gunner describes the fetching of moss for babies' diapers and comments on parents who use cloth exclusively.
- Storytellers
- John Carpenter
- Andrew Faries
- Gilbert Faries
- Willie Frenchman
- James Gunner (Udgarden)
- Sophie Gunner
- Gabriel Kiokee
- Joel Linklater
- Hannah Loon
- Ellen McLeod
- Simeon Scott
- Isaiah Sutherland
- Xavier Sutherland
- Silas Wesley
- Hannah Wynne
- John Wynne
- Gabriel Kiokee & Joel Linklater
- Sophie Gunner & James Gunner
- Hannah Loon & Ellen McLeod
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