ayamihitowin - A conversationHannah Loon & Ellen McLeodEllen McLeod tells Hannah Loon how she left home to catch up to her brothers who were going to the settlement for Christmas. Her father, who didn't want to go, actually met them there.
- Storytellers
- John Carpenter
- Andrew Faries
- Gilbert Faries
- Willie Frenchman
- James Gunner (Udgarden)
- Sophie Gunner
- Gabriel Kiokee
- Joel Linklater
- Hannah Loon
- Ellen McLeod
- Simeon Scott
- Isaiah Sutherland
- Xavier Sutherland
- Silas Wesley
- Hannah Wynne
- John Wynne
- Gabriel Kiokee & Joel Linklater
- Sophie Gunner & James Gunner
- Hannah Loon & Ellen McLeod
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