tântê kâ-ohci-wîhcikâtêkopanê cîpayi-sîpiy - How Ghost River got its nameJohn WynneGhost River got its name from an ambush in which Cree people killed a lot of Iroquois. Divination had allowed them to determine the enemy's position in advance.
- Storytellers
- John Carpenter
- Andrew Faries
- Gilbert Faries
- Willie Frenchman
- James Gunner (Udgarden)
- Sophie Gunner
- Gabriel Kiokee
- Joel Linklater
- Hannah Loon
- Ellen McLeod
- Simeon Scott
- Isaiah Sutherland
- Xavier Sutherland
- Silas Wesley
- Hannah Wynne
- John Wynne
- Gabriel Kiokee & Joel Linklater
- Sophie Gunner & James Gunner
- Hannah Loon & Ellen McLeod
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