Spoken Cree Level 1: Introduction
The present recordings are designed to accompany the Introduction of the text Spoken Cree Level I, written by C. Douglas Ellis and published by the University of Alberta Press in 2000. This introductory unit includes acknowledgements, information on how to use these recordings for learning Cree, and a series of pronunciation drills.
Cree is the most widely spoken of all the Aboriginal languages in Canada. It has several dialects. The recordings are in the N-Dialect, or Swampy Cree, spoken from the west coast of James Bay well into Manitoba.
The present recordings were begun between the years 1955-58 and continued throughout the 1960s and 70s. Voices heard in the early units are those of the late John Wynne, Anne Scott and Xavier Sutherland. The interest and further assistance of the many speakers from Kashechewan (formerly Albany Post), Moose Factory and occasionally elsewhere, who made possible the recording of later units, is also gratefully acknowledged. Production of a smooth and usable product, often from vastly uneven field materials, is to be credited to the care and expertise of the late Brian Smith.
Recording: |
C. Douglas Ellis |
Sound Editing: |
Brian Smith and C. Douglas Ellis |
Production: |
Marie-Odile Junker |
Assistant Production: |
Delasie Torkornoo |
© 2008 All rights reserved
This introductory unit includes acknowledgements, information on how to use these recordings for learning Cree, and a series of pronunciation drills.
Files available for download
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction: Background and Acknowledgements
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xxxix: Pronunciation Drill Instructions
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xxxix: Pronunciation Drill a.i
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xxxix: Pronunciation Drill a.ii
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xxxix: Pronunciation Drill a.iii
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xl: Pronunciation Drill a.iv
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xl: Pronunciation Drill a.v
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xl: Pronunciation Drill a.vi
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xl: Pronunciation Drill b
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xli: Pronunciation Drill c.i
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xli: Pronunciation Drill c.ii
Spoken Cree Level 1 Introduction page xli: Pronunciation Drill d